Monday, 26 January 1987

Arrested for extortion.

I had been attending Dr Noel Walshe in St Vincents Hospital. He was a psychiatrist and was treating me for the affects of sexual abuse. I had been informed that the treatment could be lengthy.

My mother and I decided that it would be morally right for Newbridge College to foot the bill. I told them if they did not acknowledge what had happened to me 10 years earlier then I would go to the Sunday World newspaper and tell my story.

I contacted the College and arranged a meeting with the Prior which was cordial. We arranged a second meeting. I arrived at the College and as I got out of the car I was surrounded by several Garda and arrested for extortion.

I was taken to Newbridge Garda station, where, after questioning I made my first formal statement about the abuse. I was barred from making any contact with Newbridge College or the Dominican order ever again.

The Garda drove me home to my parents where they in turn verified my statement to be true.

I was now a criminal and it's on record. Not my finest hour but it just increased my anger and bitterness towards Church and State. I knew I was telling the truth but no-one wanted to hear it.

I never heard another word from the Gardai until 2003.

No crime number. No victim support. No acknowledgement of wrongdoing.

Where was my file for 16 years?

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